Running MSAF

The main MSAF functionality is demonstrated here.

In [ ]:
from __future__ import print_function
import msaf
import librosa
import seaborn as sns

# and IPython.display for audio output
import IPython.display

# Setup nice plots
%matplotlib inline

Single File Mode

This mode analyzes one audio file at a time.

Note: Make sure to download the datasets from

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# Choose an audio file and listen to it
audio_file = "../datasets/Sargon/audio/01-Sargon-Mindless.mp3"

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# Segment the file using the default MSAF parameters
boundaries, labels = msaf.process(audio_file)

In [ ]:
# Sonify boundaries
sonified_file = "my_boundaries.wav"
sr = 44100
boundaries, labels = msaf.process(audio_file, sonify_bounds=True, 
                                  out_bounds=sonified_file, out_sr=sr)

# Listen to results
audio = librosa.load(sonified_file, sr=sr)[0]
IPython.display.Audio(audio, rate=sr)

Using different Algorithms

MSAF includes multiple algorithms both for boundary retrieval and structural grouping (or labeling). In this section we demonstrate how to try them out.

Note: more algorithms are available in msaf-gpl.

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# First, let's list all the available boundary algorithms

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# Try one of these boundary algorithms and print results
boundaries, labels = msaf.process(audio_file, boundaries_id="foote", plot=True)

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# Let's check all the structural grouping (label) algorithms available

In [ ]:
# Try one of these label algorithms
boundaries, labels = msaf.process(audio_file, boundaries_id="foote", labels_id="fmc2d")

In [ ]:
# If available, you can use previously annotated boundaries and a specific labels algorithm
# Set plot = True to plot the results
boundaries, labels = msaf.process(audio_file, boundaries_id="foote", 
                                  labels_id="fmc2d", plot=True)

Using different Features

Some algorithms allow the input of different type of features (e.g., harmonic, timbral). In this section we show how we can input different features to MSAF.

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# Let's check what available features are there in MSAF

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# Segment the file using the Foote method for boundaries, C-NMF method for labels, and MFCC features
boundaries, labels = msaf.process(audio_file, feature="mfcc", boundaries_id="gt", 
                                  labels_id="fmc2d", plot=True)

Using Annotated Beats

MSAF can calculate the beats or use annotated ones. The annotations should be store in a jams file, for this notebook we used a simple jams example.

In [ ]:
sr = 44100
hop_length = 1024
beats_audio_file = "../datasets/Sargon/audio/02-Sargon-Shattered World.mp3"
audio = librosa.load(beats_audio_file, sr=sr)[0]
audio_harmonic, audio_percussive = librosa.effects.hpss(audio)

# Compute beats
tempo, frames = librosa.beat.beat_track(y=audio_percussive, 
                                        sr=sr, hop_length=hop_length)

# To times
beat_times = librosa.frames_to_time(frames, sr=sr, 

In [ ]:
#  We will now save or beats to a JAMS file.
import jams

jam = jams.JAMS()
jam.file_metadata.duration = len(audio_file)/sr
beat_a = jams.Annotation(namespace='beat')
beat_a.annotation_metadata = jams.AnnotationMetadata(data_source='librosa beat tracker')

#  Add beat timings to the annotation record.
#  The beat namespace does not require value or confidence fields,
#  so we can leave those blank.
for t in beat_times:
    beat_a.append(time=t, duration=0.0)

#  Store the new annotation in the jam file. This need to be located on the references folder
#  and be named like the audio file except for the jams extension.

In [ ]:
#  Using the annotated beats then is straight forward.
#  Just be sure you don't have a temporary features file in the directory.

boundaries, labels = msaf.process(audio_file, boundaries_id="foote", 
                                  annot_beats=True, labels_id="fmc2d", plot=True)

Evaluate Results

The results can be evaluated as long as there is an existing file containing reference annotations. The results are stored in a pandas DataFrame. MSAF has to run these algorithms (using msaf.process described above) before being able to evaluate its results.

In [ ]:
# Evaluate the results. It returns a pandas data frame.
evaluations = msaf.eval.process(audio_file, boundaries_id="foote", labels_id="fmc2d")

Explore Algorithm Parameters

Now let's modify the configuration of one of the files, and modify it to see how different the results are. We will use Widgets, which will become handy here.

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# First, check which are foote's algorithm parameters:

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# play around with IPython.Widgets
from ipywidgets import interact

# Obtain the default configuration
bid = "foote"  # Boundaries ID
lid = None     # Labels ID
feature = "pcp"
config =, annot_beats=False, framesync=False, 
                                   boundaries_id=bid, labels_id=lid)

# Sweep M_gaussian parameters
@interact(M_gaussian=(50, 500, 25))
def _run_msaf(M_gaussian):
    # Set the configuration
    config["M_gaussian"] = M_gaussian
    # Segment the file using the Foote method, and Pitch Class Profiles for the features
    results = msaf.process(audio_file, feature=feature, boundaries_id=bid, 
                           config=config, plot=True)

    # Evaluate the results. It returns a pandas data frame.
    evaluations = msaf.eval.process(audio_file, feature=feature, boundaries_id=bid,

Collection Mode

MSAF is able to run and evaluate mutliple files using multi-threading. In this section we show this functionality.

In [ ]:
dataset = "../datasets/Sargon/"
results = msaf.process(dataset, n_jobs=1, boundaries_id="foote")

In [ ]:
# Evaluate in collection mode
evaluations = msaf.eval.process(dataset, n_jobs=4, boundaries_id="foote")